Publicerat: 2010-08-10 | 18:55:35
Worship During Menses
Titel: Regulations of Worship During Menses, 2nd Edition
Författare: Muhammad Mustafâ al-Jibâly
Publiserad av: Al-Kitaab & as-Sunnag Publishing
Publiserad: 2007
ISBN: 1-891229-94-X
Språk: Engelska
Uttrag från baksidan: "This book presents the correct Islâmic regulations for various menses-related issues. When these regulations are properly understood and correctly implemented, they make it easy for a woman to conduct her near-illness menstrual period in a smooth and balanced manner. We also discuss the three prohibitations that have been conventionally imposed on women during their menses: reciting Qur'ân, touching Qur'ân, and entering a masjid. We refute these prohibitations with clear evidence from the Qur'ân and Sunnah. This book, we hope, will guide many Muslim women toward a more healthy, practical, and spiritual life during menses. May Allâh grant us guidance and facilitation."
Kort sammanfattning: Bismillah, Subhan Allâh! Jag rekommenderar starkt denna bok till alla mina systrar i Islam. Den tar upp alla de ämnen som vi varje gång ställer oss och undrar över varje gång vi går igenom vår period. Och de flesta av oss vet hur denna period kan sänka vår iman totalt, speciellt om man har fått fel uppfattning eller information om vad som egentligen gäller. Många säger att det är haram att rör Qur'ânen, läsa och recitera och att vara i moskén. Subhan Allâh! Boken är uppbyggd på ett sätt som är enkelt att förstå alla bevis som läggs fram, då de först börjar med att citera vad "The Prohibiters" brukar säga och vilka bevis de använder sig av, därefter kontrar de med att citera vad "The Permitters" har för klara bevisen som klargör allt för en. Alhamdulillah. Boken tar även upp relationen med maken under denna tid, och hur man renar sig efteråt. Jag hade mer än gärna skrivit av delar av den och publicerat här för att dela den nyttiga kunskap som finns, dock är de copyright och står klart och tydligt att den inte får publiceras på annat sätt utan deras tillåtelse. InshAllâh.
Men för att sammanfatta ytterligare om dessa ämnen gällande om det är haram att röra Qur'ânen, läsa och recitera eller att vara i moskén under denna tid, så finns det inga autentiska bevis som förbjuder de.
Ibn Taymiyyah (rahimahullah) sade: "There is absolutely no authentic reports prohibiting a mentruating woman from reciting Qur'ân. Women menstruated during the time of Allâh's Messenger (sallâ Allâhu 'alayhi wa sallam). If reciting Qur'ân was prohibited from them like prayer, the Prophet (sallâ Allâhu 'alayhi wa sallam) would have clarified this to his Ummah, and the Mothers of the Believers, would have learned and conveyed it to the people. Since none of this was reported from the Prophet (sallâ Allâhu 'alayhi wa sallam), it becomes impermissible to prohitit it, because it means that he did not prohibit it. When he did not prohibit it despite the occurrence of menstruation during his time, we conclude that it is not prohibited." (Al-Fatâwî 26:191).
al-Albânâ: (rahimahullah) sade: "There is no evidence prohibiting a Muslim from reciting Qur'ân while he does not have tahârah[1] (whether it is the minor or major tahârah). However, this hadîth clearly encourages a Muslim to only recite the Qur'ân while he is in full tahârah. A menstruating woman may recite Qur'ân as much as she wishes. We cannot command her, like we would a man, to perform ghusl. If a man is junub, we can tell him to perform ghusl; and if he has minor hadath[2], we can tell him to perform wudû, and that is better for him. A woman in a state of menses or postpartum does not have this choice. She may remain for a long period of time, 40 or more days, in her unclean state. Do we tell her to abort reciting Qur'ân during all this period? We have absolutely no evidence to prevent a Muslim in general, man or woman, from reciting Qur'ân without full tahârah." (Silsilat ul-Hudâ wan-Nûr no. 1).
I hadhîten rapporterad av Â'ishah (radiyallâhu 'anhâ) då hon följde med Profeten (sallâ Allâhu 'alayhi wa sallam) för Hajj, fick hon mens strax innan de hade nått Mecka. Profeten sa till henne: "Do as other pilgrims do, but do not perform tawâf around the House or pray until you are clean (from menses)."[3]
Gällande detta säger al-Albânî (rahimahullah): "A pilgrim enters the Sanctified Masjid, as well as other masjids. A pilgrim also recites Qur'ân and does other acts of worship. The Prophet (sallâ Allâhu 'alayhi wa sallam) permitted her to do all that other pilgrims do except for tawâf and salâh. Had he (sallâ Allâhu 'alayhi wa sallam) wanted her not to enter the Masjid, he would have clearly stated, "Do not approach the Masjid." (Silsilat-ul-Hudâ wan-Nûr no. 83.)
Ibn Hazm (rahimahullah) sade: "If it was not permissible for a menstruating woman to enter a masjid, the Prophet (sallâ Allâhu 'alayhi wa sallam) would have told this to Â'ishah (radiyallâhu 'anhâ): When she menstruated, he only prohibited her from performing tawâf. It is absolutely inconceivable that it would be prohibited for her to enter the Masjid, and yet the Prophet (sallâ Allâhu 'alayhi wa sallam) would not forbid her from that but merely from tawâf! This was also stated by al-Muzanî and Dâwûd." (al-Muhallâ, no. 263.)
I övrigt: Jag lånar mer än gärna ut min bok till systrar som bor i närheten av Helsingborg, inshAllâh. (Skicka mig ett mail via "KONTAKTA MIG". För alla systrar rekommenderar jag att ni köper den själv. Jag fick den via men verkar som den är tillfälligt slut? Kanske var det jag som fick den sista, Allâhu alam. Hittade en "Regulations of Worship During Menses" - $8.95 (~ 60kr) på, dock verkar det som det är den 1:a utgåvan... då detta är den andra.
Vi Lovprisar Allâh och tackar för att Han tillätt skapandet av denna bok. Och må Allâh belöna författaren och alla andra muslimer som var inblandade och hjälpte till med denna bok. Den har varit mig mycket stor nytta, alhamdulillah.
[1] A state of purity or cleanliness that permits a person to perform certain acts of worship. Tahârah has three levels: 1. Minimun level: This level is spiritual rather than physical, and is ascribed to every believer. 2. Intermediate level: This is ascribed to a believer who is clean from major but not minor hadath. 3. Highest level: This is ascribed to a believer who is clean from both major and minor hadaths.
[2] Literally means: "event". In fiqh, it describes a state of impurity that prevents a muslim from performing certain acts of worship, such as prayer. Hadath has two levels: 1. Major hadath: normally refers to both janâbah and menstruation. A Muslim with major hadath is at a minimum level of tahârah. 2. Minor hadath: the state of uncleanliness caused by going to the toilet, sleeping, passing gas, etc.
[3] Recorded by al-Bukhârî (294, 305, 1650 etc.), Muslim (1211), and others. A similar report from Jâbir is recorded by al-Bukhârî (B. 7 Ch. 6) and Muslim (1216).