Abûl-Hasan al-Ash´arî (d. 330): “Vår troslära och förståelse är att hålla fast vid vår Herres (´azza wa djall) bok, vår profets (sallâ Allâhu ´alayhi wa sallam) Sunnah och det som har rapporterats av de mästerliga följeslagarna, efterföljarna och Imâmerna i Hadîth.” (al-Ibânah, sid. 43)

Publicerat: 2010-01-01 | 18:49:49
Hur man rör fingret i "Tashahud"

Shaykh al-Albani thaught abi Ishaq al-Howainy
how to move the finger in the prayer during ''tashahudd''

taget från "The Prophet's Prayer Described" (Sifatu Salaatu Nabiyi) S. 65
Av: Al-Albanee (Rahimahullah)

Moving the Finger in Tashahhud

"When he raised his finger, he would move it, supplicating with it"188, and he used to say, "It is surely more powerful against the devil than iron, meaning the forefinger."9

9. ibid. About "supplicating with it", Imaam Tahaawi said, "This is evidence that it was at the end of the prayer." Hence, there is evidence in this that the Sunnah is to continue pointing and moving the finger until the tasleem, for the supplication is until then. This is the view of Maalik and others. Imaam Ahmad was asked, "Should a man point with his finger during prayer?" He replied, "Yes, vigorously." (Mentioned by Ibn Haani in his Masaa'il of Imaam Ahmad, 1/80).

From this, it is clear that moving the finger in tashahhud is a proven sunnah of the Prophet (sallallaahu `alaihi wa sallam), and it was practised by Ahmad and other imaams of the Sunnah. Therefore, those who think that it is pointless and irrelevant and has nothing to do with the Prayer, should fear Allaah, since because of this, they do not move their fingers although they know it to be an established sunnah; and they take great pains to interpret it in a way which is inconsistent with the `Arabic way of expression and contrary to the understanding of the imaams with regard to it. The amazing thing is that some of them will defend an imaam on other issues, even if his opinion conflicts with the Sunnah, with the argument that to point out the imaam's mistakes inevitably means to taunt and disrespect him. They then forget this and reject this established sunnah, at the same time mocking at those who practise it. Whether or not they realise it, their mockery also includes those imaams whom they often defend wrongly, and who are correct about the Sunnah this time! In fact, they are deriding the Prophet (sallallaahu `alaihi wa sallam) himself, for he is the one who brought us this sunnah, and so jeering at it is equivalent to jeering at him.

But what is the reward for those among you who behave like this except ... As for putting the finger down after pointing, or limiting the movement to the affirmation (saying laa ilaaha: 'there is no god ...') and negation (saying: illallaahu: '... except Allaah'), all of that has no basis in the Sunnah; in fact, it is contrary to the Sunnah, as this hadeeth proves. Further, the hadeeth that he would not move his finger does not have an authentic isnaad, as I have explained in Da`eef Abi Daawood (175). Even if it were authentic, it is negatory, while the hadeeth above is affirmatory: the affirmatory takes precedence over the negatory, as is well-known among the scholars.

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Relaterat: Hur snabbt skall fingret röras i Tashahhud?


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