Publicerat: 2010-09-18 | 23:50:40
What to do when going for the final Rak'ah in Salah?
This position is called Tawarruk
(In the prayers of the three or four Rak'ah type)
Sit with your body resting on your left thigh, your left leg under your right, while keeping your right foot upright.
... In the prayers of the three or four Rak'ah type, after finishing the second Rak'ah and the first Tashahhud, stand up raising your hands (as described earlier) and say: ALLAAHU AKBAR. When you reach the straight standing position, recite the Faatiha and go for the prostrations as done earlier. If you are praying the three Rak'ah prayer of Maghrib sit with your body resting on your left thigh, your left leg under your right, while keeping your right foot upright. This position is called Tawarruk. (In the prayers of the three or four Rak'ah type)
Sit with your body resting on your left thigh, your left leg under your right, while keeping your right foot upright.
For the four Rak'ah prayers, stand up at the end of the third Rak'ah and bring fourth the fourth and final Rak'ah. Recite full Tashahhud in the Tawarruk position...
... after completing the fourth rak'ah, he (sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam) would sit for the last tashahhud. He would instruct regarding it, and do in it, just as he did in the first tashahhud, except that "he would sit mutawarrikan"[249], "with his left upper thigh on the ground, and both his feet protruding from one (i.e. the right) side."[250] "He would have his left foot under his (right) thigh and shin"[251], "his right foot upright"[252] or occasionally "he would lay it along the ground."[253] "His left palm would cover his (left) knee, leaning heavily on it."[254]...
[249] Bukhaari .
[250] ibid. As for two-rak`ah prayers such as Fajr, the Sunnah is to sit muftarishan. This difference in detail is documented from Imaam Ahmad, cf. Ibn Hani's Masaa'il of Imaam Ahmad (p. 79).
[251] Abu Daawood & Baihaqi with a saheeh sanad.
[252] Muslim & Abu `Awaanah.
[253] ibid.
[254] ibid.
Bok: The Prophets's Prayer Described
Författare: Shaykh Muhammad Naasiruddeen al-Albaanee
Läs Online: The Prophet's Prayer Described (english).
Relaterat: Allt Om Bönen | Bönens Utförande med video beskrivning.