Publicerat: 2011-12-24 | 01:05:50
Etiquette of a Righteous Wife
Khutbah from Shaykh ‘Abdul Muhsin Al-Qasim, Imaam of Masjid An-Nabawee
The smart wife is she who makes her heart an abode of relaxation and tranquility for her husband, and who makes him feel joy just by talking to her; she lives with him in contentment and deals with him kindly.
She obeys him in all matters except when it entails disobedience to Allaah and she acknowledges the favours that he has done for her. Also, she fulfils all her rights and accepts that he has a superior standing and a higher rank than her, as the Prophet sallallaahu ‘alaihi wa sallam said: “If I were to command anyone one to prostrate to another human, then I would have commanded the wife to prostrate to her husband.”
Shaykh Al-Islaam Ibn Taymiyyah, may Allaah have mercy upon him, said commenting upon this Hadeeth: “There is no right after those of Allaah and His Messenger sallallaahu ‘alaihi wa sallam which is of a higher priority to fulfil than that of the husband.”
The righteous wife reminds her husband about Allaah when he become heedless;
- if she sees that he is becoming indulged in this life, she reminds him of the Hereafter;
- she helps him through the hardships of life and never exposes his secrets;
- she always obeys him and supports him in his dutifulness to his parents because she realises that they were the ones who raised and cultivated him;
- she seeks her Lord’s pleasure by pleasing her husband and never focuses on his mistakes or exposes his shortcomings;
- she looks after him when he is present and absent;
- she honours him and absent;
- she honours him when he is around and defends him when he is absent;
- she never overburdens him with unnecessary expenses;
- her main concern is to please Allaah by virtue of pleasing her husband;
- she cultivates his children upon righteousness and never disobeys any of his commands.
The Prophet sallallaahu ‘alaihi wa sallam, gave his wife Khadeejah, may Allaah be pleased with her, glad tidings of a house in Paradise which is made out of pearls and in which there will be no displeasure nor anxiety; Imaam Ibn Katheer, may Allaah have mercy upon him, said: “This was because she never raised her voice over that of the Prophet sallallaahu ‘alaihi wa sallam and was never displeased with him, even for a day, and she never harmed him in any way”.
A wise woman once advised her daughter at the time of her wedding by saying: “O my daughter! You will never get what you desire from him until you give precedence to his pleasures over yours and his desires over yours whether you like them or hate them.”
Chastity is the core of a noble life, and the real beauty of a wife is realised when she remains at home, as ‘Aa’ishah may Allaah be pleased with her, said: “It is better for the woman that men never see her and she never sees them.”
A religious woman who is obedient to her Lord will
- never deal with her husband with arrogance,
- nor will she rebel against his guardianship;
- she will never try to assume his role;
- she always seeks his comfort and is always at his service;
- she will never go to sleep while he is angry with her, until she has pleased him, because she realises that her success and her gaining of Paradise is subject to her obedience to her husband, along with fulfilling her obligations to her Lord.
Relaterat: Etiquette of a Righteous Husband
Publicerat: 2011-05-02 | 23:35:37
Kvinnan skall färga sina händer med henna
Muhammad bin Muhammad as-Sawrî berättade för oss: Khâlid bin ´Abdir-Rahmân underrättade oss: Mutî´ bin Maymûn underrättade oss, från Safiyyah bint ´Ismah, från ´Â’ishah som sade:
“En kvinna gestikulerade med sin hand bakom ett skynke. I handen hade hon ett brev till Allâhs sändebud (sallâ Allâhu ´alayhi wa sallam). Allâhs sändebud (sallâ Allâhu ´alayhi wa sallam) tog tag i det och sade: “Är detta en mans hand eller en kvinnas hand?” Hon sade: “Det är en kvinnas hand.” Då sade han: “Om du hade varit en kvinna, skulle du ha ändrat dina naglar” - det vill säga med henna.”
Om du hade varit en kvinna… - Det vill säga om du hade lagt vikt på en kvinnas kännetecken.
…skulle du ha ändrat dina naglar… - Det vill säga färgat dem.
…det vill säga med henna - Detta är antingen ´Â’ishahs ord eller också någon annans bland berättarna. I denna hadîth finns ett bevis på att det är otroligt rekommenderat för kvinnor att använda henna.
Författare: Imâm Abû Dâwûd Sulaymân bin al-Ash´ath as-Sidjistânî (d. 275)
Källa: as-Sunan (4160)
Förklaring: Imâm Shams-ul-Haqq al-´Adhîmâbâdî
Källa: ´Awn-ul-Ma´bûd (11/149)
Publicerat: 2010-12-18 | 19:58:23
Vad är kvinnans lycka?
Den farligaste orsaken till att folk förblir ogifta, är kvinnans arbete och anställning. Hon anställs runtom i landet och lämnar hemmet och springer efter lönen. Hon vill inte ha en man. Mannen kommer ju sysselsätta henne och hindra henne från arbetet. Hon vill alltså inte ha en man. Hon vill bara ha pengar.
Hon tror att detta är lyckan. Det är inte lyckan. Lyckan ligger i att gifta sig med en rättfärdig make och ha en bra avkomma och stanna i hemmet. Det är lyckan. Det är just törsten efter pengarna och anställningarna som orsakar singellivet.
Män vill inte ha kvinnor som inte underkastar sig männen, inte uppfostrar barnen och inte är hemma. De vill inte ha sådana kvinnor. Därför är många ogifta och därför skils många.
Författare: Sâlih bin Fawzân al-Fawzân
Publicerat: 2010-10-03 | 23:27:37
Advice for one who has been afflicted by wasaawis after wearing hijaab
Titel: Advice for one who has been afflicted by wasaawis after wearing hijaab
Talare: Shaykh Abdul-Azeez bin Baaz
[1.] What are some of the characteristics of the legislative hijaab? Sheikh Saalih al-Fawzaan mentions in "The legislative hijaab and the hijaab of hypocrisy":
A- It should cover her whole body and not be tight fitting.
B- It shouldn't be transparent where others can see her skin colour or her shape and the like.
C- It shouldn't resemble the man's garment.
D - It shouldn't be decorated where it attracts the eyes of others.
[2.] 'You must beware of him' meaning his (Shaytaan's) Fitnah, trickery, alluring nature.
[3.] 'And may he beware': this could entail a number of things from them: of the wrath of Allaah, Allaah destroying him instantly, the fire, it could mean numerous things. It could also mean that you will not benefit him (shaytan) in the least because he is already destined for the fire. The mentioning of 'And may he beware' could also just be for emphasis from the Sheikh and nothing more.
Translator: Abu Fouzaan Qaasim
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