Publicerat: 2010-10-08 | 00:52:57
How the Salaf studied the Quran
Abdullâh b. Mas’ûd – Allâh be pleased with him – said:
When a man amongst us learned ten verses [of the Quran], he would not move on [to the next verses] until he had understood their meanings and how to act by them.
Al-Tabarî, Al-Tafsîr 1:80. Shaykh Ahmad Shâkir graded its chain of transmission sahîh.
Abû ‘Abd Al-Rahmân Al-Sulamî said:
Those who used to teach us the Quran (the Companions) told us that they used to learn the Quran from the Prophet – Allâh’s peace and blessings be upon him; when they had learnt ten verses they would not move on until they put into practice what was in them. So we learnt knowledge and deeds (implementation) together.
Ibid. Shaykh Ahmad Shâkir graded its chain of transmission sahîh also.