Publicerat: 2011-10-16 | 01:41:34
Ahl-ul-Hadîth Guard the Earth
Imâm Sufyân ath-Thawrî (rahimahullâh) said:
"The Angels Guard the heavens while Ahl-ul-Hadîth (People of Hadeeth) Guard the Earth."
Källa: Sharaf Ashhâb-il-Hadîth, p. 66, by Imâm al-Khatîb al-Baghdâdî
"The Angels Guard the heavens while Ahl-ul-Hadîth (People of Hadeeth) Guard the Earth."
Källa: Sharaf Ashhâb-il-Hadîth, p. 66, by Imâm al-Khatîb al-Baghdâdî